Welcome to the Soul Institute

A Wisdom School of Modern Alchemy

Your Source for Ancient Alchemical Wisdom with a Modern-Day Twist

Come be a Part of Our Vision of Over 25 Million Individuals Finding, Living & Thriving in Sacred Purpose



The Soul Institute’s Modern Alchemy

Modern Alchemy is an innovative system that serves as the foundation of all our products, services, programs and retreats. This synergy of thought leadership was created by visionary aromatherapist, intuitive healer, and wellness industry icon, Adora Winquist.

Modern alchemy unites ancient wisdom with modern-day science. This philosophy of comprehensive principles and practices is designed to empower your most vibrant holistic well-being and purpose-filled life.

The Tools of the Modern Alchemist Unlock Your Inner Wisdom, Passion & Strength

Modern alchemy is the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern-day practices that unite science and spirituality. It intertwines five pillars to form modern interventions that create greater health and harmony within your mind-body and soul connection in ways that are practical, accessible, and yet profound.

Modern Alchemy anchors the universal truth and the creative potential of the universe through ancient wisdom, psycho-spiritual dynamics, plant, mineral, and vibrational medicine woven together with the thread of The Love Frequency to empower your life path of passion, joy, sacred purpose, and spiritual growth.

Ultimately, this allows us to transmute the patterns of limitation we carry from soul soul to our cells: personal, ancestral and collective to rise beyond our perceived limitations. When you transcend the past, you step into both the mystery and the mastery of your sacred purpose and remember that you were born to thrive!

The 5 Pillars of Modern Alchemy synthesize many primary threads of understanding, including that YOU are the bridge between science and spirituality. Your physical body temple is the instrument of your Divine Design which is both biochemical and alchemical in nature. For more understanding on this topic, please explore our blogs, books, podcast interviews and Modern Alchemist Certification Program.

The 5 Pillars of Modern Alchemy

Essential Oil Alchemy- The pillar of pure essential oils offers insight and practice for reshaping neural pathways in order to alter limiting beliefs, transform past trauma, and create new harmonious experiences.

Crystal Alchemy-Crystal Healing Alchemy- The pillar of gems and minerals offers insight and  practice for consciousness expansion.

Meditation Alchemy- The pillar of guided meditations and visualizations offers insight and  practice to clear, balance, and activate & deepen your body-mind-soul-divine connection.

Practical Alchemy: The pillar of everyday practices and an amalgamation of tools including DIY formulas, sound healing, Akashic Records alchemy, and sacred geometry.

Love Alchemy- The pillar of The Love Frequency is the master key, which weaves throughout all pillars. It empowers The Modern Alchemist within you to live and thrive in sacred self-leadership of your most authentic and abundant life.


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The Soul Institute is a global educational platform of innovative products, programs, services and retreats that offers ancient alchemical wisdom and healing traditions for a modern, evolving world.

Our platform is open to seekers at all levels of spiritual awakening and inclusive of all those committed to walking the path of self mastery.

Our intention is to inspire and awaken, anchor and actualize the spark of divinity within you. Your “quintessence” and the expression of your authentic self is precisely the breath of spirit and change that is needed on the planet - here and now.